Jan 25, 2023
Welcome back to the kitchen table. Over the past few weeks, Bethany provided listeners with practical ways to connect to the Gospel while laying the groundwork and applying his words to our walk with both him and our children.
Bethany continues this conversation this week by helping us understand how to apply...
Jan 18, 2023
Welcome back to the kitchen table. Join Bethany as she sits at the kitchen table with special guest Natalia Drumm. Natalia is a podcaster, author, and phenomenal voice for encouraging women to grow in faith by equipping them with God’s word.
Bethany and Natalia give listeners a wealth of encouragement on studying...
Jan 11, 2023
Welcome back to the kitchen table. Join Bethany as she continues her mini-series on how we can become equipped by the Gospel on our journey as warrior mamas. Bethany unpacks the word to help equip you as a warrior mama and reassures you of the power the Gospel has to change everything.
In today’s episode,...
Jan 4, 2023
Welcome back to the kitchen table. Join Bethany as she begins the new year with an episode centered around The Gospel. Most importantly, Bethany unpacks the word to help equip you as a warrior mama.
To allow The Gospel to spill into your homes, children, spouses, and relationships, you have to fully understand God’s...