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The Warrior Mama Podcast

Dec 16, 2020

Welcome to the kitchen table! 


Christmas can be hard! Do you ever feel like you make all these plans for fun activities, crafts, or devotionals to do with you kids, and then none of it gets done? It can leave you feeling like a failure. In this week’s episode Bethany shares with every mom that this is just not true!...

Dec 9, 2020

What does it mean to really pray for your child? We all know what prayer is and we know the power of prayer. But do we know how to effectively pray? 


This week Bethany dives into what it means to pray for our children and the effect this can have on motherhood. 


It is one thing to tell someone you will pray...

Dec 2, 2020

Welcome back to this week’s episode of, “When God Breaks Through”. 

This week Bethany answers another fellow mama’s question.  


Don’t forget you can send in your questions, as well. Just visit Bethany’s instagram and facebook page @bethanykimsey to send a message with your question.


  One mom asked,...