Dec 29, 2021
Welcome back to the kitchen table. This week Bethany sits down with her good friend and mentor Sandra Stanley to begin the conversation about understanding the lie of balance and accepting that as mothers we don’t have to do all the things.
Sandra shares how she has learned to live with purposeful presence in her seasons with her children and how she has learned to say no confidently. She shares the importance of learning more about the perimeters of your current season of life. Sandra provides wisdom, encouragement, and understanding that God has a perfect plan for each one of us.
As featured in today’s episode, here are the journal pages to help you identify the lies that you’re hearing and change the way you are thinking.
You can also find Bethany on Facebook and Instagram @bethanykimsey to share what your favorite stage with your child is and some great moments you had with them then!
Meet Sandra
Sandra and Andy Stanley founded North Point
Ministries in 1995. They’ve been married 33 years and have three
children, ages 28, 27, and 25. Sandra is the author of two women’s
devotional books with companion videos—Comparison Trap and
Breathing Room. Her ministry passion is promoting foster care in
the local church. She received her undergraduate degree from
Georgia Tech, and a Masters of Biblical Studies from Dallas
Theological Seminary. Much of her time these days is spent working
on various writing projects, and continuing her involvement with
Fostering Together – the foster care initiative at North Point
App Store:
Comparison Trap App
Breathing Room App