Dec 15, 2021
Welcome back to the kitchen table. This week Bethany invites you to sit down with her and her three daughters, Kendall, Abby Grace, and Anna Claire. For the next few weeks, Bethany sits down with her girls to have conversations on how moms and daughters can interact and how the gospel plays into their relationship.
They visit how different temperaments, struggles, world experiences, and scenarios play a vital role. Bethany hopes this is a time where you as a mom can understand a bit more clarity on how you can partner and walk with God as he engages and guides your children on their journey.
Bethany and her daughters discuss five concepts that will guide their conversations throughout the next few weeks. The girls share how they struggled, combatted, and persevered.
The girls share ways that their parents helped them throughout their journey with Christ and how honesty, presence, consistency, and a strong support system can put them on their path with Jesus.
Head to Bethany's website to share comments, questions or to drop a quick note. You can also subscribe to her newsletters for encouragement, free resources, new content, and more. She is always available to chat, listen, or guide you in the direction that you need.
You can also find Bethany on Facebook and Instagram @bethanykimsey to share some of your favorite moments or maybe some of your most difficult moments of motherhood.