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The Warrior Mama Podcast

Dec 8, 2021

Welcome back to the kitchen table. This week Bethany continues her talk about the lies that we face in motherhood, especially the lie that says “you have to control it all”. 

As a mama you are faced with so many questions, what ifs, and the feeling that if you do not control it all then you will fail. Are you struggling with the need to control and overprotect which spirals into layers of anxiety?  Join Bethany as she talks about the anchors in God’s word that will help you believe and trust in him as he walks by your side in even the toughest days of motherhood. 

God wants mamas to pray about all the things they question in motherhood, he is there to equip you with the wisdom you need. Most importantly, God chose you for your child. 

As featured in today’s episode, here are the journal pages to help you identify the lies that you’re hearing and change the way you are thinking.

Head to to send her anything you would like for her to share and answer.  You can also subscribe to Bethany’s newsletter for encouragement, free resources, new content and more.

You can also find Bethany on Facebook and Instagram @bethanykimsey to share what your favorite stage with your child is and some great moments you had with them then!