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The Warrior Mama Podcast

Aug 30, 2024

Welcome back to the kitchen table. In the final part of 1 Thessalonians 5:14, we are urged to "be patient with them all." This verse reminds us that each of our children require different approaches. We go through various seasons with them, each one bringing its own challenges.


Being patient is sourced in the Holy...

Aug 29, 2024

Welcome back to the kitchen table. In 1 Thessalonians 5:14, we’re instructed to "help the weak," a calling that takes on special meaning in the context of motherhood.


As mothers, we are not tasked with making our children strong in their faith. That strength comes from God alone. Our role isn’t to demand or push...

Aug 28, 2024

Welcome back to the kitchen table. Join Bethany as she continues to unpack 1 Thessalonians 5:14. We are called to "encourage the faint-hearted." As mothers, this verse serves as a reminder of the significant role we play in our children’s lives.

Our calling is to come alongside them, to relate closely, and to provide...

Aug 27, 2024

Welcome back to the kitchen table. In 1 Thessalonians 5:14, we are commanded to admonish the idle, to caution those who are unruly. As a mother, this can feel like a never-ending task—correcting, guiding, and redirecting. 

It’s easy to become discouraged, feeling as if all we do is point out where our children fall...

Aug 26, 2024

Welcome back to the kitchen table. Imagine the impact if every day we chose to root our lives in God's truth instead of the world's ever-changing messages. What if our words, actions, and decisions all pointed our children toward Jesus? 

As mothers, we have the sacred role of shepherding our children, but it can feel...