Aug 30, 2023
Welcome back to the kitchen table. Finding the time to engage deeply with the Word of God can be a challenge in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. However, the importance of spending time in scripture remains undeniably significant. To shed light on this crucialness, Bethany sits down with good friend Mariel for an insightful conversation centered around the value of immersing yourself in God's Word.
At different seasons of life, the pressures of our routines leave little room for us to engage deeply in God's Word. Yet, Mariel introduces us to an approach that simplifies the process, making it accessible to anyone seeking a deeper connection with the Word. This method, named the TEND method, guides individuals who want to nurture their relationship with God.
Through the TEND method, Mariel invites us to discover the joy of immersing ourselves in God's Word. As we engage with scripture using this approach, we develop a richer understanding of His purpose for our lives. The primary purpose of God's Word is to teach, counsel, and lead us. Bethany and Mariel's conversation offers a solution by providing a practical framework for even the busiest of schedules. This method allows you to find pockets of time to nourish your spirit and cultivate a deeper understanding of God's truth.
Learn and Connect with Mariel:
Mariel is an atheist transformed by the Word of God, Mariel knows the power of seeking God through His Word. She is passionate about equipping others to tend their soul by the Word using her TEND method, via Scripture journals, Soul Tending Conferences, and online Tend Gathering Bible studies. Married for nearly 25 years and a retired homeschool mama, Mariel enjoys salsa from her garden as she pursues the Gardener who tends her soul.
Learn More about her Tools, Offering, and Podcast on her website
Join Mariel in her latest study Tending Through 1 John beginning in September at this link:
Are you seeking guidance in the art of letting go and embracing a Gospel-centered perspective? Pre-order The Warrior Mama Prayer Journal, designed to help you navigate the challenges of life's transitions and find solace in the promises of God.
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